Amino-acids might help that comedown blue
Have you noticed that you are more depressed the days after that chem-fueled weekend? The drug you took caused your brain to produce large amount of “happy-hormones” (such as dopamine and serotonin) and inhibiting the regulatory removal (i.e. reuptake) process of these hormones at the same time. As a result, your brain got flooded with these hormones that made you experience intense euphoria (or as we call it “high AF”).
However, that weekend high comes with an even higher price. The intense euphoria will eventually wear off as we are done partying. This is when the comedown kicks in. The happy hormones are now depleted during comedown with the brain attempting to regulate itself by reducing the biosynthesis process of these hormones dramatically. Without these hormones, we would feel tired, depressed, and anxious – also known as the “comedown blue”.
Biosynthesis of these “happy hormones” involves a series of complex biochemical processes, including synthesis and conversion between different chemicals called “precursors”. Some of these precursors are basically essential amino acids that we can obtain from food or dietary supplements. By increasing the intake of these amino acids during the comedown might help us to replenish some of these “happy hormones”, and hopefully making the comedown a bit easier.
Methamphetamine and amphetamine are mostly dopaminergic, which means they mainly affect the synthesis of dopamine in our brain. Taking dietary supplements such as phenylalanine and tyrosine might help alleviate the imbalance of dopamine level as they are both precursors in dopamine synthesis. On the other hand, one can take tryptophan (a precursor in serotonin synthesis) to help with the comedown of MDMA/ecstasy, which is mostly serotonergic in nature.
It is important to take these dietary supplements as instructed and not exceeding the recommended dosage written on the packages.